Looking Back

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LOOKING BACK - July 1984

July 1984 issue: WATER HAULERS – If you gotta haul drinking water, two bikes and a long stick can sure come in handy. Coyanosa residents like Omar Garcia, 7, and Lourdes Carrasco, 11, have been hauling a lot of drinking water since a high nitrate concentration was found in the community’s water supply. These two are headed for Coyanosa’s most used watering hole – a well owned by Robert Gamboa.
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LOOKING BACK - July 1971

July 1971 issue: CHEERLEADING SCHOOL GRADUATES – These young ladies participated in a local cheerleading school here last week, held on the Fort Stockton Junior High School campus. The girls are (alone in front) Rachel Young; (middle, L-R) Tanya Neagle, Eva Irish, Tonja Railsback, Jill Price and Sonya Fortenberry. Across the back are (L-R) Nanette Turner, Terri Smetak, and Susan Smith. Instructors of the school were Becky Lawrence, Carol McCollom and Tanya Frazee.
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LOOKING BACK - June 1991

June 1991 issue: RIBBON CUTTING ceremonies were conducted by the Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors last week at The Flower Ship, new members of the Chamber. Owners of the shop are Mr. and Mrs. Emory Strother. Mrs. Strother is assisted in cutting the ribbon by her mother, Alice Varner.
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LOOKING BACK - June 1972

June 1972 issue: OFFICIAL VISTIT – Mel Stanley (right), Department Commander of the Department of Texas Veterans of Foreign Warns, made an official visit to Fort Stockton VFW Post 7475 Wednesday, and installed new officers of the post for the coming year. Greeting the highest ranking Texas official, who hails from San Angelo, is Willie Delbert, commander of the Fort Stockton Post.
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May 3, 1987 issue: Let’s Feed ‘Em! – Local GI Forum members (L-R) Lucas Mesa and Manuel Nunez get ready to serve hungry delegates of the American GI Forum’s Texas board of directors meeting held here last weekend. Mesa gave the invocation for the barbecue supper, which was held Saturday evening in Rooney Park. Nunez, Fort Stockton’s 1986 citizen of the year, is a charter member of the GI Forum.
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May 12, 1977 issue: HEADED FOR THE FINALS . . . Fort Stockton’s mile relay quartet will compete in the Texas schoolboy track finals in Austin this weekend, running against the cream of the 3A crop. The Panthers have posted a 3:20.8 as their best mark this season. The quartet of Wayne Jefferson, Greg Clark (front row, l-r) and Danny Dixon and Joel Garza (back, l-r) finished third in a state qualifiers meet at Lubbock on Saturday with a clocking of 3:21.0. Ned Allen (back right) is the alternate. Dixon will also compete in the state finals of the 330 intermediate hurdles. He qualified with a second place finish behind Garrell Baker of Perryton in regionals.