From the Pulpit

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From the Pulpit

Wed, 11/08/2023 - 20:00
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I am I measured my worth by the opinions of people around me. Let it be relationships, family, work, but what hurt the most was from my church family. Now, we all go through a rough patch where you have conflict with someone or with a lot of ones about your ministry. You think you are doing right but somehow it takes a wrong turn. That’s what happen to me and well, I lost my identity and followed my feelings.

I thought about going to another church, started thinking of other churches and thought about starting again…. but I didn’t. I also thought of starting my own church, I thought I can barely handle youth imagine adults too… but didn’t. I thought of quitting church altogether, but I tried before and it led me back to church, but I didn’t. I finally thought of becoming an atheist, as if God had failed me; I mean most were Christians right… but I didn’t.

That was not what God called me to be, God has never failed me, in fact I failed Him.

So, I started digging into Gods Word, desperate to believe that what He had to say about me was true, even when I didn’t feel like it and remind me who I am.

I am Chosen (Colossians 3:12) I am a Child of God (John 1:12) I am Loved (1 John 4:19) I have a Purpose (Ephesians 2:10) I am wonderfully Made (Psalm 139:14) I am Free (Galatians 5:1) I am a New Creation (2 Corinthians 5:12) I am Never Alone (Josua 1:9) and many more… Yes, everything is worthless compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord! (Philippians 3:8). All those negative thoughts people have about me is worthless.

I AM / WHO YOU SAY / I AM This walk is not about feelings, but of obedience and knowing what God says its true!

Many Blessings, Daya Martinez