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Mountain lion regulations slated for vote May 23

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) is proposing a new ruling (31 TAC §65.950,) concerning mountain lions. This proposal is listed in the Texas Register, Volume 49 Number 16 for the week of April 19 under Title 31 Natural Resources and Conservation, Subchapter X. Mountain Lions. Of the 16 states that are home to breeding populations of mountain lions, Texas is the only state that does not currently regulate the hunting and trapping of the species.

A Little Card

I remember when I was trying to find a birthday card for my younger brother and as I was looking, I came across some cards for Mother's Day. I thought of the times I looked for a card for my mother, but I also remembered a few times that I almost forgot. I felt ashamed for the times that I didn’t show her the recognition that she deserved. Mothers are a special gift from God for the family. They have shown us that special love, unconditional and sacrificial repeatedly. Just as our mothers have shown us that unconditional love, God has also shown us a special unconditional love, (John 3:16, Romans 5:8, Psalm 36:5&7). We are to show our mother’s love and respect, (Exodus 20:12) just as we are to make extra sure we love and respect God, (Deuteronomy 6:5). This week, if possible, let’s call or send a card or flowers, take them to dinner or go visit them. We may even make our own little card that tells them how much we love and appreciate them. It may not be our mother but a stepmother, mother-in-law, grandmother, great-grandmother or just someone that is special in our life. We could offer up a prayer to God for those that have shown us that special unconditional love. We might go to Church with them or take them to Church with us. Just don’t forget them! See you in Church next Sunday.
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Game, Set, Match: Fort Stockton’s tennis players serving up valedictorian and salutatorian titles

CODY AARON In the competitive arena of Fort Stockton High School, a remarkable pattern has emerged over the past decade. The school’s tennis players have not only dominated on the courts but also the class rankings, consistently serving up the valedictorian and salutatorian titles.
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WRTTC alumni congregate for fund drive

Midland College has had a history of producing results among its graduates and it’s these same individuals who are now giving back through their time, talent, and treasure. The annual WRTTC Alumni & Friends Happy Hour at the Historic Grey Mule Salon brought together Midland College alumni for an evening of network in support of the annual Scholars’ Dollars Scholarship Fund Drive! The Scholars’ Dollars Scholarship program helps Pecos County residents by providing financial assistance to ensure tuition cost isn’t a barrier to completing their educational goals.