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Getting a fresh start


Back in my grade school days you were told to clean the blackboards if you didn’t do your work or obey the teacher. Every time you did something wrong (breaking the rules) our teacher would write your name in the upper right hand corner of the blackboard. Mine was usually up there for talking and I had to stay in at recess and clean the blackboards. Cleaning those blackboards is somewhat like sinning. Every time we break God’s rules or fail to obey Him it is recorded in books in Heaven, (Revelation 20:12).

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David Paul Brockman


David Paul Brockman of Fort Stockton, Texas passed away Dec. 2, 2023.

David Brockman was born Jan. 20, 1926, to Emery Clarence Brockman and Sue Bozeman in Brownfield, Texas. He attended school in Johnson school in Brownfield, Texas. he attended his elementary years in Quemado, Texas and upper years in Eagle pass, Texas. Later in life he received his high school diploma for Odessa High school through the GED program.