
Updated property tax information

New and updated property tax information has just been compiled by Pecos County Appraisal District, and is available now to assist taxpayers. This property tax information is current and covers a wide range of topics, such as taxpayer remedies, exemptions and appraisals, and is of value to select groups, such as disabled veterans and persons who are age 65 or older.

Student selected as All-State musician

Audrey Gonzalez, a senior member of the Fort Stockton Pride of Pantherland Band, has earned the honor of being named a Texas AllState Musician. Despite the many challenges encountered throughout this school year, 2021 AllStaters remained committed to their personal musical development. They demonstrated the very perseverance and dedication that ongoing participation in a music program fosters.
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FSISD, Midland College WRTCC pair for superior dual credit status

When it comes to dual crediting in the state of Texas, students that attend Fort Stockton High School are far above their peers around the state. A big reason why? FSISD partners with Midland College Williams Regional Technical Training Center in Fort Stockton to give students an affordable opportunity to succeed immediately in a variety of ways after graduation.
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Fort Stockton High School Social Studies Teacher Vibert Skeete received a proclamation recognizing African American Heritage Month on Monday, Feb. 8 at the Pecos County Courthouse at the commissioners regular meeting. The proclamation called upon all citizens to join the students of Pecos County, and the members of the George Washington and Abraham Lincoln Volunteer Club to observe the month of February 2021, as African Heritage Month, they ask that the month be observed in honor of those who have worked to build a stronger more united country that is known as the land of the free, and home of the brave. Skeete also received a proclamation at Tuesday’s city council meeting from Fort Stockton mayor Chris Alexander. Photo by Nathan Heuer