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White House dismisses future

Prior to his death, Los Angeles Sunday night talk show host Terry Anderson used to open his broadcast with a heads up to his listeners - “If you ain’t mad, you ain’t paying attention.” Most Americans are paying attention to the wide-open Southwest border, and the Afghan nationals influx. But, to use Anderson’s vernacular, Americans ain’t paying enough attention, and they ain’t angry enough.

A story of healing through faith

A favorite story of faith and healing happened as Jesus was going through Jericho on his way to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. The road was crowded with fellow travelers. Jesus would likely have had his disciples and others that were listening to him teach following in his wake. Plus, it was the law that any Jewish male over 12 years old and lived within 15 miles of Jerusalem was required to attend Passover.
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September is Apple Month

September is Apple Month. When school starts and September is here, who doesn’t start to think about all those wonderful apples ripe for the picking. Apples are a pomaceous fruit of the Malus domestic species. They are perrenials in the rose family, and are one of the most widely cultivated tree fruits.
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9/11: A Twenty-Year Remembrance

This week Texans, Americans, and all those who love freedom throughout the world will mark the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Already we are bombarded with remembrances, the replay of minute-by-minute telecasts from that day, and the more scientific analysis of what happened to explain the horrific destruction of the World Trade Center towers.