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Balancing the Books

Every year about this time my wife and I close out our books for the year. There are usually papers scattered all over and we are busy helping each other to get everything added up. I always hold my breath to see if we have given enough to the Lord. It is our goal, or we try to give at least a tenth of our income. (Psalm 76:11). Several years ago, we were really busy and I didn’t watch our giving and when we totaled our giving we found out we had given very little that year. I felt so ashamed, and I proposed in my heart I didn’t want that to happen again. God has been so good to us, and we want to thank Him and honor Him with our giving. It could even be a way of saying thanks.
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Our over-coddled kids

GUEST COLUMNIST Get this: Gen Z job applicants are bringing their parents to job interviews, reports the New York Post. As it goes, for several decades America’s children have been over-coddled by their “helicopter parents” — parents who zoom in to resolve any challenge their children may face, even as they become adults.
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From the Pulpit

What do our lives say about us? When people look at us, or talk with us, what do they take away? Are we a reflection of what the world expects to see, or are we a reflection of our faith? If we admit it to ourselves, those questions can make us uncomfortable. We do not want to admit that our relationship with God is not paramount in our lives. Even as we desire to present the light of our savior to the people around us, we often fall short.